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Settlement negotiations are typically done by third-party agencies who reach out to creditors on behalf of a borrower in order to agree on a payment option that is normally lower than the original amount being owed to resolve an entire debt.
A quick and practical key to pay off debt
Your appointed representative will deal with creditors on your behalf
Your appointed representative will deal with creditors on your behalf
Might result in longer payment options with higher interest rates
Debt Consolidation is the process of taking a huge loan to pay off other smaller loans. This method usually has a much smaller monthly payment plan with lesser interest rates.
Affords a more inexpensive monthly fee
No collateral needed
A practical solution for debt repayment
Lower monthly payments but longer terms
Could affect your credit ranking
Personal Loans
A personal loan is a process of borrowing money from banks, credit unions, online lenders, friends, or relatives with an agreed-upon payment term. Personal Loans may or may not require collateral depending on the organization that the loan was applied in.
A practical solution for you to settle your debts with creditors
Some agencies take a long time to approve and process loans
May have higher interest rates